Der jüdische Richter Goldstone schreibt in seinem Untersuchungsbericht zu den israelischen Verbrechen gegenüber den Palästinensern:

"The operations were carefully planned in all their phases. Legal opinions and advice were
given throughout the planning stages and at certain operational levels during the campaign.
There were almost no mistakes made according to the Government of Israel. It is in these
circumstances that the Mission concludes that what occurred in just over three weeks at the end
of 2008 and the beginning of 2009 was a deliberately disproportionate attack designed to punish,
humiliate and terrorize a civilian population, radically diminish its local economic capacity both
to work and to provide for itself, and to force upon it an ever increasing sense of dependency and

Damit ist es jetzt juristisch offiziell. Israel ist ein Terrorstaat und begeht Verbrechen gegen die Menschlichkeit. Wie können unter solchen Umständen noch diplomatische Beziehungen zwischen Deutschland und Israel herrschen ? Wie können wir weiterhin einem Land Waffen schenken, dass diese missbraucht um Millionen Unschuldige zu terrorisieren ?