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  1. #91


    Ich starre aus dem Fenster auf die Welt da draußen
    Frage mich ob Mutter Erde überleben wird
    Ich hoffe, dass die Menschheit irgendwann aufhören wird sie zu mißbrauchen, irgendwann...
    Nach allem gibt es nur noch die zwei von uns
    Und hier kämpfen wir immer noch für unser Leben
    Der gesamten Geschichte zusehend, wie sie sich jedes Mal wiederholt

    Ich bin nur ein Träumer
    Ich träume mein Leben davon
    Ich bin nur ein Träumer
    Der von besseren Zeiten träumt

    Ich sehe die Sonne untergehen, wie jeder von uns
    Ich hoffe das die Dämmerung ein Zeichen bringt
    Einen besseren Platz für solche, die nach uns kommen werden, dieses Mal

    Ich bin nur ein Träumer
    Ich träume mein Leben davon, heute
    Ich bin nur ein Träumer
    der von besseren Zeiten träumt

    Du vertraust vielleicht mehr in Gott oder Jesus Christus
    Es bedeutet mir nicht wirklich viel
    Ohne gegenseitge Hilfe
    Gibt es für uns keine Hoffnung
    Ich lebe in einem Traum, einer Phantasie
    Oh yeah, yeah, yeah

    Wenn wir nur alle Klarheit finden könnten
    Es wäre schön wenn wir gut leben könnten
    Wann werden all der Ärger, Hass und Engstirnigkeit verschwunden sein

    Ich bin nur ein Träumer
    Ich träume mein Leben davon, heute
    Ich bin nur ein Träumer
    Der von besseren Zeiten träumt, oh yeah
    Ich bin nur ein Träumer
    Der Nach dem Weg sucht, heute
    Ich bin nur ein Träumer
    mein Leben davonträumend
    Oh yeah, yeah, yeah

    Ach ja, der alte Ozzy


  2. #92


    der Text hats in sich....

    Good as Gold (Stupid as Mud) Songtext

    Don't know what I'm doing here
    I'll carry on regardless
    Got enough money for one more beer
    I'll carry on regardless

    Good as gold, but stupid as mud
    He'll carry on regardless
    They'll bleed his heart 'til there's no more blood
    But carry on regardless

    Carry on with laugh
    Carry on with cry
    Carry on with brown under moonlit sky

    I want my love, my joy, my laugh, my smile, my needs
    Not in the star signs
    Or the palm that she reads
    I want my sun-drenched, wind-swept Ingrid Bergman kiss
    Not in the next life
    I want it in this
    I want it in this

    Got one note to last all week
    I'll carry on regardless
    The hill to happiness is far too steep
    I'll carry on regardless

    Dried his mouth in the Memphis sun
    He carried on regardless
    Tried to smile and he bit his tongue
    But carry on regardless

    Carry on with work
    Carry on with love
    Carry on with cheering
    Anything above

    I want my love, my joy, my laugh, my smile, my needs
    Not in the star signs
    Or the palm that she reads
    I want my sun-drenched, wind-swept Ingrid Bergman kiss
    Not in the next life
    I'll have it in this
    I'll have it in this

    I don't want silver, I just want gold
    Carry on regardless
    Bronze is for the sick and the old
    But carry on regardless

    I want my love, my joy, my laugh, my smile, my needs
    Not in the star signs
    Or the palm that she reads
    I want my sun-drenched, wind-swept Ingrid Bergman kiss
    Not in the next life
    I'll have it in this
    I'll have it in this

  3. #93
    Registriert seit


    the voice (with lyrics)

  4. #94
    Registriert seit


    things i´ve seen

    You won't believe the things I've seen
    Far beyond your wildest dreams
    I've seen chaos and order reign supreme
    I've seen the beauty of the universe
    so peaceful and serene
    in seconds turn to violence and screams

    I've seen true genius, too often to lose the meaningless
    appreciation of this mediocre nation
    I've heard the mind is repetition,
    of empty words without tradition
    Turned original verbs into submission
    I smelled this malignerance addiction,
    but I guess I wouldn't be right
    if I said the blunt was like a baby pipe
    There ain't gon' be no revolution tonight
    Half of my warriors as high as a kite
    Lost and they lost all they fight
    And I've tasted, the bitter tragedy of lives wasted
    And men who glimpsed the darkness inside, but never faced it
    And it's a shame that most of y'all are followin sheep
    Wallowin deeper than the darkness, you're fallin asleep

    You won't believe the things I've seen
    Far beyond your wildest dreams
    I've seen chaos and order reign supreme
    I've seen the beauty of the universe
    so peaceful and serene
    in seconds turn to violence and screams

    I've seen and experienced things
    that'll push the average to the edge and swan dive to death
    I'm two guys, multiplied by ninety-three guys
    Evenly balanced seein evil equally in each eye now
    Maybe I'm the most thorough worker on the job to you
    or maybe I'm the one, who was plottin to rob you
    The fear of this beatdown, the women on no cash to floss
    makes most of y'all hustle ya ass off
    From nothin to two mill', in five years I'll live to see it
    vanish in six months, with no tears believe it
    I'll rock, twenty-eight years before the Feds can lay a trace
    See they plan is to erase me, just to replace me

    Life! Your heart is one with your brain
    Emotional or reason, now which one do you obey?
    Life! Somebody callin you insane
    When overwhelmed and blessed, burst in tears of happiness

    Yo, yo, I've seen relationships that's so sick
    Life long friendships so cha-o-tic
    Thug cat bangin this chick but won't kiss
    Drinkin her spit, when coppin a fix for dope bliss
    I got a knife and a bat, to bust your brain, put a knife in your back
    "Once in the Life" I was trifle like that
    like my man Troy, who lost his days
    shootin dice on worldly ways
    and ended up in a early grave
    Because once in a lifetime is rough
    Twice in a lifetime you combat the ghost of mistrust
    Mentally cuffed, thrust by a cop thinkin he tough
    You bust, Amadou Diallo is us, and what
    now I'm on my knees, beggin' "God, please!
    Save me from the fires of hell!
    Let water water soul prevail" - cos I can't take no more
    Who's that knockin, at, my door?
    Is that you, Pete from Cobb's Creek, who died in my sleep?
    We was playin for fun, now it's keeps
    Like my man Mark I beat to death wrapped in a carpet
    and left in the garbage, now that's cold-hearted
    Ask Book he saw it, "Yo black I ain't seen (shit)
    Kids in the 6, they flip for nonsense"
    Poke an icepick, smokin that (shit) since preschool fool
    and packin a tool, (fuck you) Mom Dukes it's cool

    You won't believe the things I've seen
    Far beyond your wildest dreams
    I've seen chaos and order reign supreme
    I've seen the beauty of the universe
    so peaceful and serene
    in seconds turn to violence and screams

    Life! Your heart is one with your brain
    Emotional or reason, now which one do you obey?
    Life! Somebody callin you insane
    When overwhelmed and blessed, burst in tears of happiness

  5. #95
    Registriert seit


    Herbert Grönemeyer hat dieser Lied geschrieben, als bei seiner Frau der Krebs diagnostiziert wurde und seiner eigenen Aussage nach, fällt es ihm viel schwerer dieses Lied zu singen als "Der Weg", denn es beschreibt eine Phase des Kampfes, von dem er heute weiß, dass sie ihn nicht gewinnen konnten.

  6. #96


  7. Standard

    Status Quo - Jam Side Down

    Schönheit ist eines der seltenen Wunder, die unsere Zweifel an Gott verstummen lassen.

    (Jean Marie Anouilh)

  8. #98


  9. #99
    Obertonmusik Gast


    J O S

  10. Standard

    Vaya Con Dios -
    Time Flies

    It's been such a funny day
    I don't know why
    Walking on an endless lane
    Life passing me by
    Tomorrow is calling
    But I'm dragging my feet
    The skies are indecently clear
    But I can't stand the heat

    Sleepwalking in a haze
    Stumbling like a child
    Dragons that I used to chase
    Tease me from inside
    The future's uncertain
    Just like yesterday
    Memories of heaven
    Can be taken away

    You know, time flies
    And the rebels, one day
    They all go quiet
    Ain't no money, ain't nobody
    That can buy you peace of mind

    They say you learn from your mistakes
    It's a lie
    My redemption has been staged
    Numerous times
    But the angels of passion
    Still taunt me, in my sleep
    They keep throwing petals and thorns
    Underneath my feet


    Geändert von Ingo (29.03.2010 um 16:36 Uhr)

    Schönheit ist eines der seltenen Wunder, die unsere Zweifel an Gott verstummen lassen.

    (Jean Marie Anouilh)


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